
We are a city in denial

It is usually warmer than this. This cold is not typical. The Oilers are poised for greatness. Our murder rate is an unfortunate anomaly. Edmonton is safe. The snow and ruts have never been this bad. All this road construction is a sign of progress. We never get this much snow. We never get this much rain. They say the mosquitoes aren’t as bad as in the past. Compared to the average (snow fall, rain fall, mosquito count, crime rate – take your pick), we are doing pretty good. Our summers are always really nice. I love having four seasons. […]

Why you should hug a soldier

If you are reading this, you have a soldier to thank. Why?  Think about who, in part, gave you the ability to freely talk, work, move and think today?  A soldier. Many soldiers, in fact. Ones that fought in combats of the past and ones that serve today. That’s why today, or any day, you should hug a soldier. Today is the 67th anniversary of D-Day.  In case you don’t remember high school social studies, D-Day was the day during WWII when allied forces stormed the Nazi-occupied beaches of Normandy, France in an effort to free a path to Germany […]

Put on your big girl panties and vote

Or your big boy shorts, whatever you prefer. On a regular basis, I hear from otherwise very smart people that they don’t vote. Why? Because they don’t care. They don’t know enough about politics. They don’t know who to vote for. Their vote doesn’t matter. They are disillusioned with what is happening in parliament, the legislature or their city or town council chambers. Only in Canada, only in a free democracy, could you be allowed to come up with excuses for why you don’t want to do something your country asks you to do. I will take an ignorant vote over no vote […]

10 signs you are a political geek

Admit it. You know it’s true. You are a political geek. Lover of all things government and politics. Uncertain? Diagnose yourself. Here are the 10 signs.

How to self-implode: A DIY Guide

Learn from Charlie Sheen, Raj Sherman, Lindsay Lohan and others in this quick reference guide on how to tank your credibility and career. 1.  Deny, deny, deny. You don’t have a problem.  You are not addicted.  You are not crazy, unstable or unbalanced.  Quite simply, your side of the story has not yet been told.  Whatever the other side says, categorically deny and say the opposite.  That is true accountability. 2. Act crazy, talk crazier, look like you are on your death bed. Claim there is a conspiracy against you. Or better yet, invent one. Why?  You will be a […]

Are politicians made of Teflon?

While the rest of us common folk are accountable to our boss, spouse, kids and conscience, politicians seem to repeatedly skate out of controversy, scandal and bad ethics without a scratch. No matter what their ideological stripe, politicians often get themselves into trouble yet come out unscathed. Bill Clinton’s “sexual relations”, Ralph Klein’s men’s shelter rant and Gordon Campbell’s “had one to many” Hawaiian vacation are just a few high profile examples of politicians who have crossed the line but live to tell about it. Christy Clark has just been elected the leader of the BC Liberals and the province’s […]

5 lessons Alberta’s political parties can learn from Christy Clark

The election of Christy Clark as the head of the BC Liberal Party and that province’s next Premier holds some valuable lessons for the many political parties in Alberta that will soon be choosing their next leader. 1. Clark wasn’t in cabinet before the leadership vote, nor was she particularly loyal to her party in the years preceding.  And party members didn’t care. Clark was not only not a part of Gordon Campbell’s government or cabinet before the leadership vote, she had pretty well abandoned her party for many years as she built her profile as a province-wide radio show […]

Four reasons why Canadian politics might actually be interesting in 2011

Okay, so I think politics are interesting every day of every year, but most Canadians would completely disagree. And I can understand why most would feel this way. But this year should be different. Here’s four reasons why.