
My Favourite Books in 2011

I know this post is very Oprah-like (and we all know how I feel about Oprah), but one of the things I love is to find and share a great read. If I measure my year by the number of good books discovered, 2011 ranks highly.  So many authors, both new and always loved, captured my attention. And my new Kobo Touch was so much fun to use, it made me read more and took my love of reading to a whole new level. Be forewarned: most of the books listed here are woman fare and are all fiction (the […]

“I have cheated on you.”

I confess.  I have cheated. Yes, paper books, I have cheated on you. I am having an affair with my e-reader. It started off as innocent flirtation. Kobo Touch is a cool, handsome gadget that admittedly has some pretty smooth moves. But my love of paper books runs deep. We have been together a long time. Flirtation is healthy, I reasoned, especially since Kobo and I would only ever be occasional travel companions. I rationalized that our relationship would start with just a book or two; simply two friends getting to know one another. Nothing more. Why? Because I love […]